Developing A Good Oral Care Routine

The importance of brushing your teeth has likely been drilled into your head since childhood but dental hygiene encompasses more than merely twice-a-day brushing. Regardless of your age, it is important to develop a good oral care routine that will help you fight cavities and prevent other dental problems. Along with regularly scheduled visits to your Leesburg, VA, dentist, Dr. Tammy Knapp Heisey encourages her patients to adopt these guidelines for a complete tooth-healthy regiment:

  1. Brush your teeth twice daily for 2 minutes. Many people don’t brush long enough. Two minutes may take longer than you think so consider setting a timer to ensure you don’t rush through it. Contrary to what you may have been told before, the best time to brush is not right after a meal. After eating and drinking, teeth enamel may be weakened and your toothbrush can act like an abrasive. Instead, wait at least 30 minutes after you eat to brush. As you brush, pay attention to the strokes and angle of your toothbrush and be sure to reach all the spots where decay tends to build up. If you aren’t sure about the best technique or where you might be missing, you can always ask Dr. Heisey at your next dentist appointment.

  1. Floss between your teeth every day. Flossing is the step in the oral care routine that too many people neglect or forget. Be sure to set a specific time to floss each day, like after brushing your teeth in the evening. With an established flossing schedule in place, you aren’t as likely to forget or skip this essential oral care step. Without regular cleaning between teeth, you are at a greater risk of plaque, tarter buildup, cavities, and gum disease.

  1. Eat for your teeth. Your diet affects not only your overall health, but also your oral health. When it comes to your teeth, it is not only about eating healthy foods. Your Leesburg dentist also urges you to cut out snacking, remove sugary foods and drinks from your diet, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables at mealtimes. The part about limiting all snacks may come as a surprise. While you probably have heard that sugar is bad for your teeth, there are actually some healthy snack foods that also can cause cavities. For example, acidic fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits can erode your teeth, and dried fruits such as raisins can be almost as bad as chewy candy by sticking to your teeth and causing plaque build up.

If you have other questions about how to establish the best oral care routine for your teeth, be sure to make an appointment with Dr. Heisey in Leesburg. During your dentist appointment, she will examine your mouth and make suggestions based on your dental health. Also, remember that even when you establish and stick to a good oral care routine, regular dentist visits are still essential to preventing cavities. To make an appointment with Dr. Heisey, call 703-777-3150.

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